Mid Summer Update


I've had a pretty busy summer, so far. 

I've done a lot of camping, and going outside. I've shot weddings and gotten bruised and scratched. Dirty and sweaty. I've lost weight and cursed my existence, but I've smiled the whole time.

Summers in the PNW are like a reset for our senses out here.  We finally get to strip away the 6-8 micro layers that make up about 80lbs of our mass.  Faces turn to the sun for a good 10 minutes as we back up and recluse back indoors as it quickly jumps to 90 degrees. So unless someone is feeling squirrely and wants to jump in the Clackamas. Be my guest. 

Regardless, since the last time I updated I have shot two fantastic weddings, with two completely different vibes. But all the love is there. 

I would like to first start with a few images from my cousin Breean's wedding. She married Josh near our home town on a very warm day a few weeks ago. The whole family was there and Sir Grayson was cutting his first tooth, I was lucky enough to grab some smiles between the tears. 

The word ‘romance,’ according to the dictionary, means excitement, adventure, and something extremely real. Romance should last a lifetime.”
— Billy Graham


Next, I was invited to a secret squatters wedding on Sauvie's Island, which is about 25 minutes from where I live. But the location was 45... So.. In typical Emily Gibson fashion she found this location on a property that was for sale, it was beautiful for an impromptu wedding to her bride Chloe. Thrown together with good people and a few cases of PBR, we were done in under a half hour. 

It makes me grateful to be included in so many moments, in such different fashions. It makes me value my work and the variety of opportunity I'm presented with. I love this time of year. And I love being included on so many special days. 

Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it.
— J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

And finally, if I wasn't already having enough fun at weddings I relaxed last weekend for a friend's birthday camping trip. Not many photos to share, but we did relax and play with sparklers. 


TxE on a Truesday

